21-Day Parasite Cleanse Diet Plan for Beginners with Easy Recipes

Kickstart your weight loss and beat destructive food cravings with the ultimate Parasite Cleanse Diet Plan for Weight Loss. Learn how to build a consistent parasite cleanse state to rebalance your gut microbiome and get exciting new wellness results.

What Is a Parasite Cleanse Diet?

You might have seen information about parasite cleansing before, however, most of what you will find online is misleading or just plain wrong.

How do we know this? 

We have spent decades studying the best human parasite cleanse methods because real parasite cleansing can get life-changing results.

The key to an effective parasite cleanse is to build what is known as a “Consistent Parasite Cleanse State," which has three important components:

  1. Flush toxic parasites and parasite residue.
  2. Rebalance the body, defeat parasite-driven food cravings and restore the gut microbiome.
  3. Protect your system from future parasite infections.

Parasite Cleanse Diet Plan Outline

An effective parasite cleanse flushes parasites, restores your body, rebuilds your system and protects against future parasite infections. 

It is essential to first plan and prep your body for cleanse success. This is a crucial first step that is often missed, but definitely needed to ensure optimal detox cleanse results. The great news is that it’s easy to prep for an effective parasite cleanse when you know the right approach.

Coming up with an initial cleanse plan can literally make a powerful, life-changing difference in your parasite detox results!

To begin, carefully examine your negative food cravings. These are the junk foods and drinks that you find yourself going out of your way to consume.

For instance, many people find themselves eating the same fast-food items or drinking something sugary every single day. In fact, the craving for these items can feel overwhelming and almost like the craving is beyond your control.

Feeling an intense desire for a specific negative food or drink can be a strong indication of a parasitic infection.

The fact that parasites often drive food addictions and negative food cravings is almost always ignored.

Not only do parasites manipulate their hosts to survive, they also disrupt the vital mind-gut connection. Discovering this missing link between parasites and food/drink cravings can radically transform your ability to break bad eating habits and lose stubborn weight.

More research is focusing on the mind-gut connection and how our actions and moods are driven by gut health. For instance, researchers at the John Hopkins Medical Center are “finding evidence that irritation in the gastrointestinal system may send signals to the central nervous system (CNS) that trigger mood changes.” (1)

How an Effective Parasite Cleanse Promotes Gut Health and Weight Loss

If you are looking for new ways to lose weight, parasite cleansing might be exactly what you are looking for.

Gut parasites drive inflammation and chronic belly bloat, so breaking bad parasite-driven eating habits can really help in your weight loss journey.

Imagine if you started to crave healthy foods and drinks instead of junk food and drinks?

We have experienced the amazing shift into craving healthier food during an effective parasite detox cleanse.

In fact, this is one of our very favorite components of doing a proper parasite cleanse.

 It all starts with being honest about your food cravings and food addictions. Instead of trying to give up every negative food/drink at once, start with a few cravings that are the most problematic.

Decades of research demonstrates that once you start to release the grip of your most problematic food addictions by balancing your gut microbiome, other negative food addictions start to fall like dominos.  

Once the food addictions lift, what can follow is welcome weight loss—even losing up to 20 lbs in three weeks of cleansing! The key is to use targeted parasite cleansing to detox, restore and rebalance your system. 

So how do you renew your system and balance your gut microbiome through parasite cleansing to promote weight loss? It is easier than you think once you know what to do!

How to Balance Your Gut Microbiome Through Parasite Cleansing

First off, you might wonder what exactly is your gut microbiome?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “A biome is a distinct ecosystem characterized by its environment and its inhabitants. Your gut — inside your intestines — is in fact a miniature biome, populated by trillions of microscopic organisms.” (2) 

Good gut bacteria includes prebiotics and probiotics, while bad bacteria includes toxic parasites.

The key is build a strong microbiome that dispels toxic parasites and promotes nutrient absorption, good digestion, overall health and vital immunity.

There are several ways to build a stronger gut microbiome:

  1. Diversify foods and eat more raw foods.
  2. Balance your body PH level.
  3. Consume nutrient rich foods and healthy prebiotics and probiotics.
  4. Avoid sugar and processed foods.
  5. Consume anti-inflammatory foods.
  6. Perform a parasite detox cleanse diet.

Learn Why Today is the Best Time to Start Your Parasite Cleanse >>

Also, it’s important to note that any cleanse or diet claiming to “reset your microbiome in a few days,” is not realistic. In fact, we have never seen this sort of short approach work AT ALL during our years of cleanse and detox experience. 

It’s helpful to think of a proper cleanse or detox the same way as going to the gym. Can you go to the gym for three days and completely change your life? No, you cannot. Instead, you need to build a Consistent Cleanse State over a number of days to get real cleanse results. 

The good news is that even though a real detox cleanse takes a longer amount of time to accomplish, it is easy and even enjoyable once you know the right approach! It all starts with the best parasite cleanse recipes.

Parasite Cleanse Recipes

The most important part of any parasite cleanse recipe is that it introduces the parasite cleansing ingredient(s) in a way that the body understands and can utilize.

This can be a huge problem with detox and cleanse supplements. Some inferior supplements (even expensive ones) are not easily absorbed by the body and therefore have little to no impact.

Thus, when you are choosing a supplement of any kind keep this in mind. Look for product information that confirms absorption. However, in our opinion lots of time utilizing food/drinks is the best detox cleanse approach.

For instance, according to research published in PubMed Central “Garlics and onions have been used for the treatment of diseases caused by parasites and microbes since ancient times.” (3) Garlic contains allicin which fights parasites. 

Adding parasite cleansing ingredients to recipes is a good place to start. Once way to disguise raw garlic is to warm the garlic cloves in milk to mask the sharp taste. This is an easy recipe and you can consume on the go!

Other parasite fighting ingredients you can integrate into your recipes are cloves, woodworm, oregano and thyme. Here are some tips to develop parasite cleanse recipes that fit your lifestyle:

1. Focus on integrating the parasite-fighting ingredients into easy recipes you already love.
2. You can also look at smoothies/juice blends as a way to incorporate ingredients.
3. Always consult your doctor about your individual needs.

We have complied the best proven parasite cleanse recipes to make it easy for you to complete a successful parasite cleanse. 

🚨IMPORTANT🚨 Although food and drink based parasite cleanse recipes are a good start, we have found that a life-changing, full-body parasite cleanse goes beyond food and drinks. A complete parasite cleanse consists of additional cleansing activities for a holistic and deep detox approach.

We have created the ultimate parasite cleanse guide to give you the exact effective natural parasite cleanse methods we have uncovered from 20+ years of research and results.

Get the 21 Day Step-by-Step Parasite Cleanse Guide

The 21 Day Parasite Cleanse Challenge is created to give you a life-changing detox cleanse experience. It consists of five stages:

  1. Showing you quickly how to prepare for cleanse success.
  2. Introducing you to the best parasite cleanse recipes.
  3. Teaching you how to go beyond food and drinks with other cleansing methods to build a consistent cleanse state to get deeper detox results.
  4. Giving you vital information you can’t find elsewhere to balance your body and protect against future parasite infections.
  5. Working to cleanse, restore, rebuild and nourish your system for exciting new wellness results.

Learn more about the 21 Day Parasite Cleanse Challenge here >>>


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About The Author

Chelsea Vurciaga is the Founder of the Natural Products Network and has spent decades studying natural living. She has appeared as an expert on NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC and The WB where she shares easy and effective natural products and wellness strategies. She's spent decades creating a variety of popular DIY wellness guides.

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