How to Detox Your Skin From Within

Learn How to Detox Skin With Easy Natural Tools

You may be surprised to discover that skin can be damaged by even the most expensive topical skin care. This is why it is important to learn how to detox your skin from the inside out.  

It can be really frustrating when you are dedicating your time to carefully applying creams, tonics and serums to the surface of your skin and actually doing more harm than good.

What most people don’t realize is that our skin microbiome consists of a delicate ecosystem can be demolished by the constant application of topical skin products.  

By healing skin from within, you uncover a multidimensional approach to skin health for new results.

Here you will discover three powerful natural methods to detox your skin, reduce puffiness, fight wrinkles and combat acne for a more radiant appearance.

Best of all, you’ll love learning about how to use these easy natural methods to heal your skin from the inside out.

How to Detox Your Skin in Three Steps

Gently Massage Your Face to Prep For Facial Acupressure

1. Flush Toxins Using Facial Acupressure

Acupressure points are energy meridians that when “pushed” stimulate and heal corresponding areas in the body.

Some of the most powerful acupressure points are located on the head, face and around the eyes.

Activating these acupressure points can promote a healing draining of the entire face and stimulate skin health.

In fact, performing a simple acupressure exercise can make a complete and noticeable difference immediately in how you look.

Also, activating certain pressure points around the eyes can alleviate headaches.

*IMPORTANT* You never want to overwork a pressure point, nor do you want to cause pain. Also, you never want to do acupressure on a bruised or injured area. The best method is to apply a focused and steady pressure that hits exactly on the right spot.

An easy way to tell that you are pressing on the right point is that you feel an intense sensation that feels good and relieving at the same time. This is a unique feeling that you might come to love after trying acupressure.

Detox Your Skin Using Acupressure

Image Illustrating Acupressure Point For Skin Detox

1. Sit in a comfortable spot with the above Acupressure Skin Detox image handy to guide you on where to press on your face. You might find that your knuckles and thumbs work the best to get into the points. Make sure that you are using steady and focused pressure. Consult your doctor about any concerns or needs.

2. START WITH EYEBROW PRESSURE POINT (SHOWN IN DARK GREEN). Use both thumb knuckles and find the spot that is located where the thickest part of your eyebrow begins above your eyes. To get on the right point, push around with your knuckles around the eyebrow area until you feel and intense, but good sensation. Once you have the right spot, breathe deeply as you work your knuckles gently into these spots on both eyebrows.

3. NEXT MOVE KNUCKLES FROM INNER TO OUTER EYEBROWS (SHOWN IN LIGHT GREEN). Take your knuckles and move them along each eyebrow with gentle pressure starting at the inner corner and moving to the outer tip of eyebrows. Again, this is light pressure and should feel intense, but good.

4. THEN ACTIVATE PRESSURE POINT ON EACH SIDE OF NOSE (SHOWN IN RED). Bring knuckles down on each side and push below my eyes on either side of my nose. This pressure point is known for being an area of deep emotional release and should feel awesome when accessed.

3. NEXT ACCESS BONE RIDGE UNDER EYES (SHOWN IN PINK). Run your knuckles from inner to outer bone ridge under your eyes from the inside to the outside of your face.

4. FINALLY PRESS UP ON SIDE OF HEAD WHERE JAWBONE CONNECTS (SHOWN IN BLUE). Locate the pressure point on the left side of your head and gently push it up. It’s the area that is like a nook right where the very top of your jaw connects to your head. You’ll know when you are on the right spot as it will most likely be very tender feeling. This can be the most impactful pressure point for eye and face puffiness.

Hold this area on the side of your head for about 20 seconds that then release it. Do this a few times and then you are done!

You might find that a certain area feels like it “needs it the most.” If so, you can do another round on this specific area. Just make sure not to overdo it and to respect your body. Afterward, drink lots of great filtered water!

You never want to overwork a pressure point. Also, you never want to do acupressure on a bruised or injured area. The best method is to apply a focused and steady pressure that hits exactly on the right spot.

An easy way to tell that you are pressing on the right point is that you feel an intense sensation that feels relieving at the same time. This is a unique feeling that you might come to love after trying acupressure.

Research Shows Gut Health Impacts Skin Health

2. Cleanse Your Gut to Revive Your Skin in New Ways

Research found in the National Library of Medicine confirms a direct connection between gut health and skin health.(1)

Thus, you can positively impact your skin by performing a gentle, but powerful digestive detox cleanse.

Don’t be fooled by all the quickie detox fads that do little to no good! Real detoxing consists of healing and rebuilding your gut ecosystem.

To promote gut health while healing and nourishing your skin, you might want to consider performing a parasite cleanse.

Experience has found that worms and protozoa parasites can cause strange and continuously face bloating and eye puffiness.

Chances are, you might have never even considered that parasites can be impacting your wellness. However, according to research it is estimated that 80% of people have parasite living in their guts.

You might be wondering how parasites in your gut affect your eyes and face?

Often parasites cause a stagnant, backed up condition in the body that brings on swelling and bloating in your mid-section and face. Parasites can also fuel toxic building up, bring on mysterious acne and dull your appearance.

Check out the 21 Day Parasite Cleanse Challenge to perform a powerful parasite cleanse to beautify your appearance.

Sliced Red Potatoes Contain Enzymes to Fight Eye Puffiness

3. Fight Eye and Face Puffiness with a Lymphatic Drainage

One of the best things about natural remedies is that simple tools can be super impactful!

You can fight face and eye puffiness with this easy spa-like massage and eye treatment that you’ll love doing!

First, make sure that you remove ALL your eye makeup as your eyes will likely drain.

Next, take a raw organic red potato and cut it into slices so that they are big enough to fully cover each eye. You can tie a bandana around your head to hold the red potatoes slices in place.

Raw red potatoes contain powerful nutrients and enzymes that fight inflammation and swelling and combat dark eye circles.

Next, start high on your neck on each side and lightly pinch your neck while working your way down.

Enjoy this exercise for about 5 minutes and then remove the potatoes.

When you are done, hydrate your body with room temperature filtered water.

Not only does this exercise feel wonderful, but it helps to reduce puffiness and drain the lymph along your jawline. It’s an easy way to get gorgeous using simple natural tools and methods.

Please note that articles may contain affiliate links. We give info and not medical advice. Please consult your healthcare advisor with any medical questions.



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