3 Important Parasite Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Let’s face it. No one wants to talk about having a parasite infection or the sometimes disturbing symptoms associated with parasites.  

While we accept that our pets can contract parasites, the fact that humans can also have destructive parasites is often overlooked and ignored.

Parasite symptoms can be broad and include bloating, indigestion, stubborn weight gain, allergies, stress, anxiety, swelling, depression, irritability, headaches, insomnia and brain fog.

Although parasite symptoms can be diverse, here are three common signs to look for to determine if you have gut parasites and need to do something about it. 

Symptom 1: Creepy Worm Crawling

Pinworms, whipworms, seatworms and threadworms are common parasites that live in the intestines and rectal area. These types of worms begin as larva in the small intestine and move to the large intestine to mate.

When the females are ready to lay eggs, they crawl out and deposit thousands of eggs around the anus in order to continue to thrive and multiply.

While this might sound like something out of a science fiction novel, it is absolutely true and how these creepy worms use human hosts to thrive.

Since worm parasites live in our intestines, they often affect gut health and cause chronic inflammation, bloating, indigestion, nervousness and brain fog. 

People struggling with worms often experience rectal/anus/vagina itching, skin rash and/or crawling skin and stubborn belly weight. In fact, many suffer for years and never know that their chronic itchiness and bloating is caused by worms. 

While you might imagine huge worms crawling in your body, these destructive intestinal worms are mostly tiny and hard to see with the naked eye. 

The 21 Day Parasite Cleanse Challenge is a full body parasite cleanse to get help you get rid of worms hiding in your body. 

Symptom 2: Unnatural Food Cravings

Have you ever felt like food cravings are driving your life? Almost like you are eating to feed something inside your body that feels almost beyond your control? Since parasites manipulate human hosts, these invaders drive unnatural and destructive food cravings.

Often parasite related food cravings revolve around sugar and two common night shade vegetables: tomatoes and potatoes.

Sugar – Research shows that parasites use sugar as fuel and to distract the host's immune system so that they can go undetected. These intense sugar cravings can lead to weight issues, blood sugar imbalances and malnutrition because your food is feeding parasites.

Unfortunately, sugar is found in most processed foods and even hidden in dinner foods where you least expect it. If you love sugary foods and drinks, parasites might be driving your cravings. 

Tomatoes - Protozoa is a destructive parasite known for an array of symptoms including digestive issues, headaches, acne, allergies, rashes, arthritis, cramps, mood swings, fogginess and increased weight gain in the upper abdomen.

Protozoa parasites have an affinity toward nightshade plants like tomatoes. If you are craving tomato based foods, this might be an indication you have a protozoa infection.

Potatoes -  (not sweet potatoes) are another nightshade plant you might crave if you are struggling with protozoa. If you are reading this and thinking you love tomatoes and potatoes, this is a good indication that you can benefit from a parasite cleanse.

Symptom 3: Parasite Activity During Full Moon

It is a scientific fact that during a full moon we naturally produce less melatonin and more serotonin, which makes parasites more active.

Therefore, with parasites you may notice that you feel more anxious, bloated, tired, emotional, stressed and/or depressed during the full moon.

Especially look for negative mood changes and excess bloating that seems to come around once a month. 

Women may mistake full moon parasite infection symptoms as monthly menstrual symptoms. Consider tracking the full moon cycle to see if there is a connection.

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Parasites?

You'll find that an effective parasite cleanse is easier than you think and can open up a whole new path to wellness!

Once you know how to flush and dispel parasites while rebuilding your body it can make a world of difference in how you look and feel! 


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